Moraine Conservation and Sportsman’s Club

Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2016


7:03pm – Board of Directors met prior to the general membership meeting. These are the list of issues that were discussed:

-Jon was asked to pay any bills. He presented a yearly summery to BOD. Jon also reported that he had in his possession all the papers from the charter member incorporation/deed/EIN etc and he will be placing them in a safe. Kim asked that he make a copy of the paperwork. He is also going to finish an application for quote on D&O insurance to see if its something we may want.

-Brian mentioned that we are at our cap for new memberships and suggested that we wait until February’s meeting to see how many current members renew then make a decision regarding increasing cap.

-Jim said he needs more time to get information back on the new key system and will present his findings at the next meeting.


7:436   Meeting was called to order

Introduction of Officers: Kim-Recording Secretary, Mike Cumberland-President, Brian Jesteadt-Membership,  Jon Hiser-Treasurer, Stephen Gustkey-Pistol Team, George Queen –Membership at Large and Mike Ripley-Jr. Rifle/Black Powder.

Last month’s minutes read and accepted

Treasurer’s Report: Jon read the treasurer’s report.

Bills & Communications: Jon will renew the annual CMP dues at $30 and received/paid cleaning bill from Nicole.

Pop Machine: Steve reported an income of $3

Rental Committee Report: Steve said the next range rental is in May. Peggy said there was an inquiry for a hall rental Jan 23 and will follow up to confirm.

Pistol Team: Stephen said team doing good but there has been no home matches since last meeting.

Trap Team: Kim turned in $63.92 from the last Little League shoot Dec 20 and Tom reported that there is one more winter league shoot coming up and will turn in report next month. He also is going to have their banquet on Feb 20th. Bruce said the annual ATA marathon shoot will be April 30 & May 1st this year.

Black Powder: Mike said the deer camp after Christmas this year was wet and soggy. George ran the meat shoot yesterday and will turn in $56 to club. The annual frolic this year will move to a new date of April 2nd because the planned date was Easter weekend.

Junior Rifle Team: Kids are doing well and still shooting 1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Fun Indoor Shoot: Dickie’s fun shoot netted $42.50 for the club and he would like anyone who wants to have fun to come out and join them every Monday night except the meeting night on the 2nd Monday each month.

Membership: Brian said there were over 200 renewals he was waiting on and after next month’s meeting there should be no problem processing the people on the waiting list. He collected $2075 in dues with $270 going into the maintenance fund and $1805 to general fund. We’ve had 174 new members this year.

Old Business: Still waiting for Jim to get the new card key system up and running. The Boy Scouts will be here this weekend using the facilities and Stephen is going to have them maybe do some light cleaning.

New Business: It was suggested that we all remind our fellow members to renew their dues before next meeting.

Sister in Arms: Sharon said she is going to resume her classes on the last Friday of each month starting this month and all women are welcome to join as it is open to public.


8:00 pm – George made a motion to adjourn meeting.